Veterinarians are warning pet owners to keep their pups out of the dog park this month, as a flu epidemic is sickening dogs all over the Midwest

21 Apr

WXYZ Detroit, MI, reports that there have been 13,000 known cases across four states: Illinois, Wisconsin, Ohio and Indiana. The virus is now being identified as the H3N2 strain.

There is a regular seasonal flu vaccine already available for pooches, but doctors aren’t sure how effective it will be against this particular strain. The illness is a new threat for the dog population of the United States, and believed to have come from Asia.

Much like the flu which affects humans, symptoms of the canine influenza include a persistent cough, runny nose and fever. And, like the flu we love to hate, some of those infected face worse symptoms than others. According to reports, six cases have been fatal.

Experts say the virus is no threat to humans, but that petting an infected dog will leave the germs on your hands and clothes, which can then be spread to other dogs. It is also suspected that this strain of the flu could potentially affect cats. As of now, experts suggest keeping your dog isolated until the outbreak subsides.

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